Sunday, November 18, 2007

Welcome To The Fake Patrick Moore Prayer Blog

Yes, it is none other than I, Fake Patrick Moore, former disgraced founder of Greenpiece. I have put myself between hunters and the whales, now I am shaped like a whale, but that's OK. Ever since I sold out to the nuclear industry (well, any industry) I rake in $15,000 every time I open my mouth.

Figured with my sins, having a direct blog to God cannot hurt. So, just like Fake NY AREA, Fake Jim Steets, and Fake Rob Williams, thought the time had come for me to find myself some religion. So God, how much is in it for me if I make a public appearance on your behalf? There's a LOT OF CHURCHES in this world, so thinking this could be a good gig for me.

Being honest, there is not a lot of use for Christine Todd Whitman, CASEnergy and myself once the NRC has granted all the License Renewals. Sure, the occassional guest appearence at a Public Meeting on a new build license, but nothing like the money we are raking in right now.